I was tired after physio and pool therapy!
Anyway the advent of treasury east seems to have inspired people, because I was in three lovely treasuries last week.
Mandy of beadsme must have been inspired by mountain mist.
thanks Mandy for including BoosTees Paisley Cat tshirt.

You really should go and see Beadsme's shop as it is full of gorgeous and affordable jewellery.
It was so hard to pick my favorite, but as I love blue, I couldnt go past these pretty everyday earrings.
Leanne of Rainbowrevolution picked my burnt toffee and honey bracelet in her earthy collection.

Rainbowrevolution has wonderful hand made and hand dyed scarves and wraps.
I love this one made from bamboo fabric, it looks so soft and pretty.
hand dyed bamboo scarf in pastel hues by rainbowrevolution
Leanne obviously has a theme going, because she also made a watery treasury.
This time she popped BoosTees Blueberry mitts in with all the other lovelies.
Leanne obviously has a theme going, because she also made a watery treasury.
This time she popped BoosTees Blueberry mitts in with all the other lovelies.

I just have to show you Rainbowrevolutions fabulous eco-friendly shopping bags.
cotton shopping bags by rainbowrevolution
Last but not least - Papermemory put together this great collection of Aussie sellers.
I love the way the colours are grouped.
I love the way the colours are grouped.

Papermemory has a sweet mix of photographs and vintage in store.
Please go and have a look.
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