It's very easy to get carried away with the hurly-burly of life, caught up in the necessities of earning a living, looking after yourself and your family, running around - forever chasing your tail.....not leaving any tine to really appreciate the loveliness of the little things around you.
This week was crazy-mad for me getting ready for a garage sale as we try and clear the decks of our life.
Some days I couldn't even think about taking any photos at all!
Let alone thinking of something that was rocking my socks!
So here is this week's round up - a few discoveries in store!
Cadbury's Rocky Road. Who knew? |
Re-discovered a box of Barbies |
Cat suddenly became cuddly (for a minute) |
Amazing afternoon after-storm light |
Re-discovered old 78's (my sister's) |
I love sticking boxes together! |
French toast with custard at Henri Marcs |
How was your week?
Did you find something/someone to love?
Try and take time next week to enjoy, really appreciate something every day.
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