A busy week for treasuries!
Firstly one from me.

Then the ones I was featured in - no less than 7 times!
I feel so proud and I thank all the curators
To start off, Vanillapixie curated this colourful collection from Australian sellers.

I was thrilled to see she had picked my Autumn Leaves Necklace which is part of the DUST team April sale.
Carley, of Vanillapixie makes the cutest hair accessories.
Some of my favorites are these pretty strawberry clips.

Please visit Vanillapixies shop fro more delightful clips.
Another wonderful colourful colleciton came from Baboom.
I loved so many pieces from this treasury and was so happy that she had put my Colour my world necklace next to the gypsy caravan!
I just love that caravan!

Baboom, does amazing things with yarn!
Apart from this truly delicious cloche hat , she has many scarves, shawls and wraps.

Madam Berrylicious cloche hat by baboom You will see them all for yourself when you visit Baboom's stsy shop.
There must be something about my Antarctic Artifacts necklace - it featured in 3! treasuries last week!
Many thanks to melanie of wiccked for this classy treasury.

wiccked's shop is full of a great varity of creations, demonstrating what a talented artisan melanie is.
This little bag is just gorgeous.
I urge you to have a look at the bags and jewellery in wiccked's shop.
Baboom strikes again!
This time with no colour!
And I was honoured that she chose my Antarctic Artifacts necklace as well.

What a lovely surprise to receive a message from LavenderCottage to say she had included my
Burnt Toffee Necklace in her collection of Raspberry and Toffee.
I was more delighted to discover LavenderCottages beautiful jewellery, such as this divine trio of rings.

Visit Lavendercottages etsy shop and you will be delighted too!
Congratulations to angelene for her first ever trasury!
What a stylish display she has made and she selected some black and white agate beads from my destash shop, planetdebris.
Thanks, Ange!

Ange makes some unusual and lovely pieces of jewelley, I couldnt resist these dynamic earrings.
If you are looking for the unusual and gorgeous, check out angelene.
Lastly, but by no means least - a front pager!
By the clever and busy vanillapixie.
Well done, Carley!