No doubt you have heard about the terrible flood disaster happening in Australia, in Queensland and now in Victoria as well.
I must admit I have been glued to the news, the images of the havoc wrecked by water is incredible. People's lives have been changed beyond imagining.
We sit and watch and we feel totally helpless.
"What can I do?" we ask ourselves.

Here are some suggestions -
1. If you are an
etsy seller you can help by donating to the
shop specially set up to raise funds for the relief effort.
Australian Flood AppealRead the shop policies for how to donate.

2. So you're not crafty?
How about you buy something from the
etsy Australian Flood Appeal shop.
There is something for everyone there - you could stock upon birthday/Mother's Day/thankyou gifts for the rest of the year!

3. Can't find anything you want to buy or you'd really rather contribute directly?
You can contribute to the Queensland Premier's fund and can
you can find out how to donate

4. Another wonderful group of etsy sellers, who have first hand experience of what is happening in their state - Brisstyle are also having a fundraising drive.
you can find out more about it on
BrisStyle's blog.
Many sellers are donating the proceeds of all sales to the cause.
5. Animals need help too! the RSPCA shelter was destroyed and needs money and help to clean up. the staff managed to save all the animals and no doubt there will be many more homeless pets in the days to come.
photo from rspca websiteYou can read all about it
here and how to donate.
6. Other agencies and charities are also collection points -
St Vincent de Paul Appeal - vinnies.org.au
Red Cross Disaster, Relief and Recovery - redcross.org.au
The Salvation Army - salvos.org.au

7. - and last but not least
Knickers with notes !
you just have to go and check this one out!

Other blogs with helping ideas -
Life & Dandelionsthe Australian Etsy blogFlood photos from the Brisbane times website.