Sunday, January 9, 2011

7 things sunday - what to do on a rainy day

1. Clean out your bathroom cabinet - you are sure to find many out-of-date drugs, hair dye that has leaked out onto the shelf, half-used motel courtesy soaps and forgotten tubes with just a little bit of stuff in.

2. Eat gourmet cheeses, dips and relishes

bought from the Carrington Cellars in Katoomba.

3. Take advantage of New Year sales and credit card reward points to go shopping and buy rugs to replace very worn ones.

4. Colour hair with forgotten hair colour from #1

5. Watch a movie - maybe Robin Hood which daughter bought recently.

6. Throw out old perished swimwear from 10 years ago.
Plus old perished underwear, socks etc - you get the picture!

7. blog!


MooBeeTees said...

Great ideas, but I don't think I'd get past "eat gourmet cheese" :0)

PoetessWug said...

Funny!...I like the eating cheeses bit...and throwing out old worn clothes. Everything else...have fun! :-)

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