or the golden rule #1 of selling at craft markets.
I believe that all items you are selling should be labelled with their price.

Unless you
1. Sell identical items and they are all the same price.
2. You can instantly work out in your head the costing for every one of your items.
3. You make it up as you go along.
4. You make up a price depending on how much the purchaser looks like thay can afford.
5. You have a very good memory and can remember the price you worked out for each item.
I believe you should put a price on each and every one of your items.
You could put a sign next to your items, but signs dont get read, they get moved or the items get moved.
You could have a price list, but as above people dont read a list, they want to know how much this thing that I have in my hands now costs.
This is not to say that you couldn't also have a sign on a basket or box of same priced items.
"Doodads $3"
This also has the dual purpose of telling customers what the Doodadsare.

If you don't do this you run the risk of losing sales, because
- People do not like to ask.
- While you are talking to one customer no-one else can find out how much your goods cost. (This happened recently to me - I loved these quirky little creations, but no price anywhere. The artist was telling another customer the history of the recycled bits of his artworks and I didnt get a look in - I had to get back to my own stall, so I left. Sad because I really loved what he did)
- You have to dash off the the ladies and your partner/friend/neighbouring stallholder minds your stall. What are they going to say? that you will be right back? Make up a price?

What do you think?
Either as a customer or a seller?
Do you label everything?
Do you like to see prices easily when you shop?